ARM amputation: Huawei's big chip problem

ARM technology is used in more than 130 billion chips worldwide and is ubiquitous in mobile devices, so losing access to the British company would be like losing a limb for China's embattled Huawei.

China's Huawei sues US over federal ban on its products

Tech giant Huawei on Thursday opened a legal front in its counter-offensive against US warnings that it could aid Chinese intelligence services, filing suit to overturn a US law that bars federal agencies from buying its ...

Trump administration rolls back clean water protections

The US government on Tuesday unveiled a plan to roll back clean water rules protecting the nation's waterways and wetlands, fulfilling a pledge from President Donald Trump to farmers and supporters who view environmental ...

US urging allies to shun Huawei: WSJ

The United States is trying to persuade wireless companies and internet providers in allied countries to shun equipment made by Chinese telecoms giant Huawei, citing cyber security risks, The Wall Street Journal reported ...

US spy revelations hurt Web trust: Facebook chief

Revelations about the US government's secret surveillance programs has had a big impact on "trust metrics" of Internet companies like Facebook, the social network chief Mark Zuckerberg said Wednesday.

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