In America, high-speed train travel is off track

California's suspension this week of a high-speed rail project underscores the up-hill battle the modern mode of transport faces in the United States—including myriad cultural, political and economic obstacles.

Study: Urban sprawl creates food deserts

Urban sprawl has led to the creation of food deserts in metropolitan areas across the United States, according to a published study by a researcher at The University of Texas at Arlington.

High and dry: developed Cambodian wetlands raise flood risk

More than a million Cambodians are at risk from increased flooding and worsening food security, NGOs warned Monday, due to the destruction and gradual filling-in of Phnom Penh's wetlands by politically connected developers.

Carnabys adjust to foreign plants for feeding and shelter

A study tracking the movements of WA's endangered Carnaby's black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) has discovered that not only will the birds adapt to urban environments but they also use non-native vegetation for ...

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