BMW, Daimler to invest 1 bn euros in joint carsharing scheme

German auto giants BMW and Daimler said Friday they would invest one billion euros ($1.1 billion) in combining and extending their carsharing schemes DriveNow and Car2Go, in future offering a slew of "mobility services", ...

Predicting urban and coastal microclimates

Today, most of the world's population lives in cities, and a significant fraction (nearly 40 percent) lives within about 30 miles of a coastline. Predicting local weather patterns and microclimates in these highly populated ...

Toward urban air mobility: Air taxis with side-by-side rotors

In this high-resolution visualization of NASA's side-by-side, intermeshing rotor air taxi concept, researchers are working to understand complex rotor air flow interactions, simulated using high-fidelity computational fluid ...

New system estimates traffic from mobile device signals

A team of scientists from the universities of Granada and JaƩn has designed a new computer method to monitor the movement of people or vehicles using the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals emitted by their mobile devices.

GM takes stake in China car-sharing startup

US automaker General Motors is taking a stake in the Chinese car-sharing startup Yi Wei Xing, expanding the company's global footprint in alternative and mobile-oriented transport.

Inferring urban travel patterns from cellphone data

In making decisions about infrastructure development and resource allocation, city planners rely on models of how people move through their cities, on foot, in cars, and on public transportation. Those models are largely ...

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