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Iconic beach resorts may not survive sea level rises

A leading coastal scientist has warned that some of the world's best known beach resorts may not survive projected sea level rises and that problems caused by changing sea levels are compounded by a lack of political will ...

New research shows fishways have not helped fish

Despite modern designs intended to allow migratory fish to pass, hydropower dams on major Northeast U.S. waterways, including the Merrimack and Connecticut rivers, have failed to let economically important species such as ...

More TV apps come to Xbox Live as usage grows

Microsoft is rolling out dozens of new apps for the Xbox 360, building on statistics that show members of its paid online subscription service spend more time on it watching video than they do playing multiplayer games over ...

Middle East beginning to embrace solar energy

(AP)—Covering nearly 300 football fields in a remote patch of desert, the Shams 1 solar project carries off plenty of symbolic significance for the United Arab Emirates.

Samsung launches its new super-size Galaxy Note

South Korea's Samsung Electronics said it had launched a super-size version of its Galaxy Note smartphone, the latest salvo in its battle with Apple for the multi-billion-dollar handheld market.

Gulf states look to the sun for future power

After decades of relying on carbon-emitting fossil fuels to build their cities in the desert, some oil and gas rich nations of the Gulf are now turning skywards to the sun to meet future energy demands.

Repairs on Kenya web cable to take three weeks

An undersea fibre optic Internet cable that was sliced by a ship's anchor in the Kenyan port of Mombasa will be fully repaired in about three weeks, an official said Tuesday.

UAE court jails five Internet activists

A United Arab Emirates court on Sunday sentenced a blogger and four other Internet activists to prison terms after finding them guilty of charges including insulting the Gulf state's leaders.

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