Better monitoring of food quantity makes self-control easier

( -- New research from the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management suggests learning how to stop enjoying unhealthy food sooner may play a pivotal role in combating America's obesity problem. The research, ...

People buy more junk food when using plastic

( -- One way to resist buying junk food is to pay for groceries with cash instead of credit cards, according to a new study led by Manoj Thomas, assistant professor of marketing in the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate ...

Self-regulation is not enough in children's TV advertising: study

Children still see the same amount of television advertising for unhealthy foods as they did before industry self-regulation was introduced last year, according to new University of Sydney research published in the International ...

New iPhone app helps keep pets trim

Tipping the scales at 97 pounds, Sam was a chubby black Labrador retriever. Partial to meat, potatoes and the occasional mouthful of popcorn, he was a fine dinner companion and not very old when walking became difficult because ...

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