Elephants are vanishing from DRC's best-run reserve

The Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) largest remaining forest elephant population, located in the Okapi Faunal Reserve (OFR), has declined by 37 percent in the last five years, with only 1,700 elephants now remaining, ...

Breeding season under way for Galapagos tortoises

Breeding season is under way for the endangered tortoises of Ecuador's Galapagos Islands, whose mating and nesting habits are carefully watched by wildlife specialists hoping to save them from extinction.

The quest for new cancer-fighting drugs in marine environments

(Phys.org)—Human beings have been using wild plants to cure their ills for thousands of years. While much of the focus has been on the medicinal properties of terrestrial plants, one UConn researcher is exploring a new ...

Ethiopian dam spurs debate

The mud-coloured Omo River which snakes through green gorges, feeding lush vegetation and providing vital water to one of Ethiopia's most remote regions, will also power a contentious dam project.

Climate change threatens Seychelles habitat

Bursts of torrential rain lash the idyllic white beaches of the Seychelles, where conservationists fear that rare species such as the giant tortoise are at severe risk from climate change.

More than 100 baby seals rescued on Dutch coast

A Dutch marine rescue centre for baby seals said Friday more than 100 of the sea mammal pups had washed up along the country's northern coastline after recent storms.

Smuggled dinosaur eggs returned to Romania

Three unique dwarf dinosaur eggs that were stolen and smuggled to Italy, were returned to Romania on Wednesday, the interior ministry said.

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