Trump's protectionism raises unemployment: study

The protectionist policy of US President Donald Trump is criticized on all sides around the world, but seems to suit the Americans, who see this economic model as protecting their interests. Could they be wrong? A study by ...

Lovers of Tuscany's 'paradise' beach have factory to thank

Holidaymakers splash in the turquoise waters of the Rosignano Solvay beach in Tuscany and laze on its pristine white sands—most of them fully aware that the picture-perfect swimming spot owes its allure to a nearby factory.

Young workers suffer longer from recessions

As the saying goes, last in, first out. It's particularly true for young workers in recessions when the impact on their earnings can last a lifetime.

Machine learning in action for the humanitarian sector

Governments across the world came together in Marrakesh this past December to ratify a pact to improve cooperation on international migration. Among other objectives, the Global Compact for Migration seeks to use "accurate ...

Age and education affect job changes, study finds

New research reveals that people are more likely to change jobs when they are younger and well educated, though not necessarily because they are more open to a new experience.

Academics blame low wage growth on underemployment

Employees looking for a hike in salary have lost their bargaining power because of a rise in underemployment, according to a new paper by University of Stirling economists.

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