Anonymous gives Colombian president a hack attack

Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos on Wednesday tweeted that his Facebook page had been hit by the hacker group Anonymous, which took a swipe at the country's independence celebrations.

Top ten hot career trends for college graduates

In a graduation season of high unemployment rates, a new trend study from the University of California San Diego Extension reveals some of the hottest career options for college graduates in this recovering economy.

Obama says cleaner energy will help job creation

US President Barack Obama said Saturday that a transition to cleaner energy will help create more American jobs as he promoted his new initiative designed to reduce US energy imports by a third.

Outlook for economy improves as Fed goes all-in: UCLA forecast

In its fourth quarterly report of 2010, the UCLA Anderson Forecast predicts "modest growth and distressingly high unemployment" for most of 2011, with an acceleration of growth late next year that will gradually lower the ...

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