Retrieving physical properties from two-colour laser experiments

When photons of light interact with particles of matter, a diverse variety of physical processes can unfold in ultrafast timescales. To explore them, physicists currently use 'two-colour pump-probe' experiments, in which ...

Manipulating polaron transport via laser-induced coherent phonons

Polarons are quasiparticles composed of excess electrons dressed with virtual phonon clouds. They are ubiquitous in materials and play a key role in various physicochemical properties, including superconductivity, photocatalysis ...

Imaging light waveforms in air plasma

An international team that includes physicists at LMU has developed a new method with which to characterize the ultrafast oscillation of the electrical fields associated with light.

Extreme light

Across six decades, scientists and engineers have transformed the briefest flash of laser light into ultrafast pulses that pack a powerful punch. Rebecca Pool from ESCI talks to Nobel Laureate, Professor Gerard Mourou, to ...

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