How to kill a protein

For decades scientists have been looking closely at how our cells make proteins. But the inverse is equally important: how cells kill them.

New mechanism discovered in meiosis

Inactivated, but still active– how modification of an enzyme governs critical processes in sexual reproduction.

Lipid droplets lead a Spartin existence

Spartin, a protein linked to the neuronal disease Troyer syndrome, was thought to function in endocytosis. In the March 23, 2009 issue of the Journal of Cell Biology, Eastman et al. identify an unexpected role for Spartin ...

A paradigm shift in immune response regulation

Over the past decade various pieces of the puzzle how signal transmission controls immunity have been coming together. Now, in Cell an international team reports a paradigm shift in the regulation of immune response. Their ...

New protein identified in bacterial arsenal

( -- Nearly a billion years ago, bacteria evolved an insidious means of infecting their hosts — a syringe-like mechanism able to inject cells with stealthy hijacker molecules. These molecules, called virulence ...

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