Antibiotic offers potential for anti-cancer activity

An antibiotic known for its immunosuppressive functions could also point the way to the development of new anti-cancer agents, researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine have reported.

SciLifeLab and AstraZeneca use cryo-EM to advance biomedicine

A study published in Science Advances reveals the mechanism by which the receptor tyrosine kinase RET can increase neuronal survival in degenerative diseases. To understand the mechanism of this signalling complex, the study ...

A light-activated remote control for cells

What if doctors had a remote control that they could use to steer a patient's own cells to a wound to speed up the healing process? Although such a device is still far from reality, researchers reporting in the ACS journal ...

A novel battleground for plant-pathogen interactions

Scientists at The Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich, with collaborators at Michigan State University and the University of Illinois, have unveiled a new way in which plants perceive pathogens to activate immunity.

Enzyme helps detect foreign DNA

The human immune system responds to DNA from pathogens by triggering the production of a defense molecule known as interferon. A research team led by A*STAR scientists has now pinpointed an enzyme integral to this process, ...

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