Receptor tyrosine kinases control mechanosensors

Researchers at the Mechanobiology Institute (MBI) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have identified a role of receptor tyrosine kinases in the regulation of the cellular mechanosensory machinery, which has relevance ...

'Non-essential' building block proves vital to a healthy protein diet

A "non-essential" amino acid—so-called because the body can make it from other nutrients—can act as a nutritional cue to guide the body's responses to a low-protein diet, a RIKEN-led team has found in a study on fruit ...

Making the oxygen we breathe, a photosynthesis mechanism exposed

Arguably, the greatest fueler of life on our planet is photosynthesis, but understanding its labyrinthine chemistry, powered by sunlight, is challenging. Researchers recently illuminated some new steps inside the molecular ...

A designer enzyme for alternative energy

( —Imagine pulling energy out of thin air. Yi Lu and his colleagues are on that path, in a quest to find alternatives to fossil fuels. The team has designed an enzyme that can harvest the energy of atmospheric ...

Nanoshells could deliver more chemo with fewer side effects

Researchers investigating ways to deliver high doses of cancer-killing drugs inside tumors have shown they can use a laser and light-activated gold nanoparticles to remotely trigger the release of approved cancer drugs inside ...

Mussels -- material artists with grip

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces and collaborators at the University of California at Santa Barbara and the University of Chicago believe they have uncovered the basis how marine mussels ...

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