Groundbreaking Indian Ocean science mission reaches an end

The British-led Nekton scientific mission on Thursday completed a seven-week expedition in the Indian Ocean aimed at documenting changes beneath the waves that could affect billions of people in the surrounding region over ...

Sea snakes make record-setting deep dives

Sea snakes, best known from shallow tropical waters, have been recorded swimming at 250 metres in the deep-sea 'twilight zone', smashing the previous diving record of 133 metres held by sea snakes.

Monster fish of the deep

Do bugs gross you out? You haven't seen anything yet. To get some really weird creatures, you've got to look in the deep sea.

New project to reveal the secrets of the ocean's twilight zone

The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) is leading a £3.7M large grant recently awarded by the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) to investigate the ocean's 'twilight' zone, which plays a key role in storing carbon, ...

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