Dogs and TV: Here's what we know about how they respond

On the face of it, a recently launched TV channel dedicated to dogs seems, well, barking mad. But our pets often spend long periods of time home alone, and providing some form of enrichment and stimulation can be very beneficial ...

Four tips for learning language through film and TV

Films and TV shows can be great tools to help you become a more competent speaker of another language. By captivating your attention and arousing your curiosity, these formats can instill a positive attitude towards learning. ...

How immigrants are portrayed on TV has real-life ramifications

The nonprofit media advocacy organization Define American, in collaboration with the Norman Lear Center Media Impact Project at USC Annenberg, has released its second-annual report "Change the Narrative, Change the World: ...

Facebook political ads more partisan, less negative than TV

More political candidates may be shifting primarily to social media to advertise rather than TV, according to a study of advertising trends from the 2018 campaign season. The study, published recently in American Political ...

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