Disney throws down gauntlet in war on Netflix

The battle is on. Walt Disney Co. is bringing its biggest weapons to a new streaming service, including "Star Wars" and Marvel superheroes, in what is expected to be bruising war with Netflix and others for television dominance.

TV seems impervious to Silicon Valley's advances

Google's unveiling last week of yet another device it hopes will change the way people watch TV highlights a stubborn truth: The revolution may be televised, but television itself has so far been impervious to a revolution.

Netflix light on flicks as viewers soak up TV shows

Like most fresh faces that arrive in Hollywood, Netflix wanted to be a movie star. But now it's learning what many in Tinseltown have known for decades: Movies are sexy, but the real money is in television.

Chips and apps on tap for Super Bowl

Millions of American football fans will be watching the Super Bowl on television Sunday with one hand in the potato chips and the other holding a smartphone.

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