Related topics: eggs · sea turtles

US agency plans deeper study of sea turtles, dredging threat

A U.S. agency has agreed to an in-depth environmental study into whether dredging a Georgia shipping channel in the spring and summer would threaten rare sea turtles nesting on nearby beaches—a review demanded by conservationists ...

Sea level rises could threaten sea turtle breeding grounds

Sea level rises could lead to the flooding of sea turtle breeding grounds in Australia, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and the U.S., according to a study published in Scientific Reports. The findings suggest that flooding ...

Why seagrass needs space

Seagrass: green leaves swaying in the currents. Fish weave their way through, and sea turtles graze. They're always on their guard, watching out for any encroaching sharks. The seagrass' roots are hidden in the seabed, where ...

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