Related topics: turtles

Rescued turtles turn up new parasite

A wild turtle, left tethered to a stake through a hole stabbed into her neck, is one of five rescued western long-necked turtles (Chelodina colliei) subsequently found to host an entirely new species of Eimeria parasite.

Egg–stealing goannas get GPS trackers

Scientists at The University of Queensland are fitting goannas with GPS tracking devices as they search for ways to stop them devouring loggerhead turtle eggs.

Turtle extinction event bodes ill for our waterways

A number of distressed and dead turtles were found by canoeists in the Bellinger River on the north coast of New South Wales on Wednesday February 18 this year. At that time, it was reported by NSW National Parks and Wildlife ...

US agency: Keep threatened status for green sea turtles

Hawaii's green sea turtles should continue to be classified as threatened because its population is small and nearly all of them nest at the same low-lying atoll, federal wildlife agencies said Friday.

Green sea turtles recover in Florida, Mexico

Long considered an endangered species, green sea turtles in Florida and Mexico have bounced back and officials said Friday they are seeking to change the turtles' protected status to "threatened."

Texas biologists warm chilled sea turtles

(AP)—Marine biologists have flown dozens of endangered sea turtles from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Galveston, Texas, for treatment of hypothermia.

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