New model sheds light on 'flocking' behaviour

Understanding how turbulence can alter the shape and course of a flock of birds, a swarm of insects or even an algal bloom could help us to better predict their impact on the environment.

An airflow model to reduce time on the tarmac

Plans for summer holidays are already taking shape. But before jetting off for some fun in the sun, many travellers will have to cope with long delays on the airport runway.

Researchers go small to better understand atmospheric motion

Researchers at New York University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have shed new light on the nature of small-scale atmospheric motion—findings that could lead to lengthening the accuracy of weather predictions.

Using radio waves to control the density in a fusion plasma

Recent fusion experiments on the DIII-D tokamak at General Atomics (San Diego) and the Alcator C-Mod tokamak at MIT (Cambridge, Massachusetts), show that beaming microwaves into the center of the plasma can be used to control ...

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