How Nagana is carried by tsetse flies

Researchers at the University of Bristol have revealed new details on how the animal disease Nagana is spread by tsetse flies in Africa.

How to construct a protein factory

Cells consist of a multitude of molecular structures, some of them exhibiting a staggering complexity. Ribosomes, the protein factories of the cell, belong to the biggest and most sophisticated complexes and are made up of ...

A very special protein synthesis machinery

Sleeping sickness-causing parasites contain an unusual protein synthesis mechanism. A team of researchers from ETH Zurich and the University of Bern have resolved its very special structure for the first time. Ribosomes are ...

Unusual protein production found in trypanosome mitochondria

Mitochondria, the power plants of the cell, have their own protein factories, although the cell apparatus could easily do the job for them. A special species of eukaryotes even has all the transfer-RNA it needs for protein ...

Discovery aids disease elimination efforts

Researchers at the University of Dundee have identified a new drug target in parasites that cause major neglected tropical diseases, a discovery that contributes towards a global drive to eliminate these diseases by 2030.

New therapeutic approach to combat African sleeping sickness

Scientists working in a range of disciplines joined forces to identify a new approach to combat African sleeping sickness. Fundamental research undertaken under the supervision of Professor Ute Hellmich of Johannes Gutenberg ...

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