Employer surveillance during COVID has damaged trust

Increasing use of staff surveillance by employers during the COVID-19 pandemic endangers trust in the workplace, according to a major new report by the University of St Andrews.

Partisan politics prolong pandemic

Partisanship has eroded public trust in health agencies and exacerbated the spread of COVID-19, according to Christopher Kulesza, research analyst for the Child Health Policy program, and Quianta Moore, fellow in child health ...

Why trust is vital to public health strategy

Trust is a crucial component of effective public health policy. It is also a two-way street. People need to trust the authorities—universities, employers, the government—that are asking them to behave in a certain way, ...

How police departments can identify and oust killer cops

The global condemnation of the death of George Floyd, one of the latest in a constellation of officer-involved deaths of unarmed civilians, has grown into a worldwide social movement for disbanding or defunding police.

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