No second chance to make trusting first impression, or is there?

In business, as in life, it is important to make a good first impression and according to research at the University of New Hampshire a positive initial trust interaction can be helpful in building a lasting trust relationship. ...

Game-changing technologies to transform food systems

In the next three decades, humans will need a 30 to 70 percent increase in food availability to meet the demand from an increasing population. And the global food system will need to change profoundly if it is going to provide ...

The dark side of personality

Social life entails countless situations in which people have to trust each other. From mundane family matters to profane issues such as trade negotiations among world leaders in a conflicted globalized world—all require ...

Do you trust politicians? Depends on how you define trust

There's more to trust than credence and faith, especially as it comes to politics. Research from Michigan State University and North Carolina State University presents new evidence to suggest that there are more layers to ...

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