Trust and income inequality fueling the spread of COVID-19

Trust in public institutions is linked to fewer COVID-19 deaths, but trust and belonging to groups is associated with more deaths, according to a wide-ranging, McGill-led study of 30-day COVID-19 mortality rates in 84 countries. ...

Sensational COVID-19 communication erodes confidence in science

Scientists, policymakers and the media should acknowledge inherent uncertainties in epidemiological models projecting the spread of COVID-19 and avoid "catastrophizing" worst-case scenarios, according to new research from ...

Trust in data privacy increases during pandemic

COVID-19 has seen Australians become more trusting of organizations and governments when it comes to their personal data and privacy, according to new research.

Twins study sheds light on trust

New research from the University of Aberdeen and the University of Western Australia has looked at the basis of trust and what makes some of us trust more readily than others.

Mind the trust gap: It's wider than you think

New Yorkers are more trusting of others compared to Alabamans or Texans. While this regional divide between southerners and the rest of Americans is well documented, the gap is wider than perceived, a study from York University ...

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