Men obstructed from entering female-dominated occupations

Job applications from men are disfavoured when they apply for work in female-dominated occupations. Reaching the interview stage was most difficult for men applying for jobs as cleaners. These are the results of a study by ...

How working away is changing home

With many of us cooped up at home with our families over the past few months, waving goodbye to your partner for a fortnight might not seem like a big deal, perhaps for some it might even afford a welcome relief.

EU aims to put speed limit technology on cars

The European Union is moving to require cars and trucks to have technology that would deter speeding as well as data recorders to document the circumstances of accidents.

Automated vehicles will create a shift in workforce demands

Despite concerns that a rise in automated vehicles, or AVs, will displace significant numbers of truck drivers in the United States, only a modest number of truck driver jobs, if any, will be affected, according to a new ...

Merge assistant for trucks takes over from the driver

Merging on the motorway or changing lanes: this may quite literally become an automatism for truck drivers in the long term. Jan Loof, mechanical engineer at Eindhoven University of Technology, has developed a system that ...

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