Super Typhoon Nida to pass east of Iwo To and Chichi Jima

Nida is still holding on to Super Typhoon status in the Western Pacific Ocean, and over the weekend, is forecast to pass east of both Iwo To and Chichi Jima islands. Although the center of Nida will remain at sea, both islands ...

GOES-13 satellite movie shows formation of Tropical Storm Don

Tropical Storm Don formed at 5 p.m. EDT last night, July 27, in the southern Gulf of Mexico and appears to be a small storm on GOES-13 satellite imagery. NASA compiled two days of GOES-13 imagery in a 30 second movie that ...

Image: Snow-covered northeastern United States

Yet another potent winter storm battered the northeastern United States on Feb. 14-15, 2015. The nor'easter brought 12 to 20 inches (30 to 50 centimeters) of snow across much of eastern New England, along with tropical storm ...

Tropical storm Enrique re-classified as a Tropical Storm

Although it appeared that Tropical Storm Enrique had weakened to a tropical depression, satellite data revealed that there was still some punch left in the system and it was re-classified a tropical storm on July 17. Scatterometer ...

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