Tropical tempests take encouragement from environment

Mix some warm ocean water with atmospheric instability and you might have a recipe for a cyclone. Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Atlanta Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory found that ...

GOES-13 sees a weaker Hurricane Julia in the 'tropical trio'

GOES-13 satellite imagery this morning showed the "tropical trio": Tropical Storm Karl over the Gulf of Mexico, Hurricane Igor in the central Atlantic, and a waning Hurricane Julia in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Hurricane ...

A lesson in infrared light - looking at three tropical cyclones

The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) is one of several instruments aboard NASA's Aqua satellite. AIRS observes the Earth in infrared light, allowing scientists to determine the temperature structure of the atmosphere, ...

Southwestern пulf ыystem 95L еargeted by NASA's Global Hawk

NASA's Aqua satellite passed over a developing low pressure area in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico and captured infrared data on what is now the latest destination for NASA's Hurricane and Severe Storms Sentinel mission. ...

NASA sees Cyclone Gino wind up to wind down later

NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Cyclone Gino as the storm continues to wind up in the southern Indian Ocean, consolidating and strengthening. Infrared data shows the storm has strengthened but it is headed for cooler waters ...

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