Climatologists offer explanation for widening of tropical belt

( —Recent studies have shown that the Earth's tropical belt—demarcated, roughly, by the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn—has progressively expanded since at least the late 1970s. Several explanations for this ...

Scientists debunk climate change myths

Wits University scientists have debunked two big myths around climate change by proving firstly, that despite predictions, tropical storms are not increasing in number. However, they are shifting, and South Africa could be ...

Satellite sees Tropical Cyclone 11P headed for Queensland

The NASA-NOAA Satellite known as Suomi NPP flew over newborn Tropical Cyclone 11P in the Coral Sea and captured a visible image of the newly developed storm as it moves toward a landfall in Queensland, Australia. Tropical ...

NASA sees deadly System 91W still soaking Philippines

The tropical low pressure area known as System 91W that has been plaguing the central and southern Philippines for the last couple of days continues to bring floods and heavy rainfall today, January 16. NASA's Aqua satellite ...

NASA adds up Tropical Cyclone Colin's rainfall rates

Tropical Cyclone Colin continued moving through the Southern Indian Ocean on January 13 while NASA's TRMM satellite passed overhead and calculated the rates in which rain was falling throughout the storm.

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