Arizona dam at risk of failure will be checked by engineers

A damaged earthen dam holding back a lake swollen by runoff from the remnants of a tropical storm was still at risk of failing Thursday and inundating a small Native American village near the U.S.-Mexico border, officials ...

Powerful Hawaii hurricane downgraded to tropical storm

Hurricane Lane weakened to a tropical storm on Friday as it headed toward the Hawaiian islands. But it still brought torrential rains that immersed a city in waist-deep water and forced people to flee flooding homes, while ...

Protecting forests and people from tropical storms

Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and extreme. I witnessed this myself when I travelled to Nicaragua, on behalf of Fauna & Flora International (FFI), last year. A few weeks before my trip a huge tropical storm ...

NASA examines Tropical Cyclone Dumazile's flooding rainfall

Tropical cyclone Dumazile formed east of Madagascar on March 3, 2018 and brought soaking rainfall to Madagascar. The GPM or Global Precipitation Measurement mission core satellite obtained a look at the soaking Dumazile gave ...

NASA measured rainfall from Fehi's remnants in New Zealand

The remnants of Tropical Cyclone Fehi brought rain to New Zealand before it fizzled out. NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's GPM core satellite provided a look at the rainfall from its vantage point in space.

NASA finds Jose strengthening into a hurricane

The Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core satellite has been providing rainfall rates and cloud heights in tropical cyclones, and recently found towering thunderstorms that indicated strengthening in Tropical ...

NASA sees 14th eastern Pacific Ocean potential tropical cyclone

Potential tropical cyclone 14E of the Eastern Pacific Ocean hurricane season appeared to be coming together off the southwestern coast of Mexico. NASA's Aqua satellite captured temperature data on the storm that is producing ...

Franklin strengthens to hurricane in Mexico: NHC

Tropical storm Franklin strengthened to a category-one hurricane as it raged towards Mexico for a second assault on Wednesday, the US National Hurricane Center said.

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