New research could predict La Nina drought years in advance

Two new studies from The University of Texas at Austin have significantly improved scientists' ability to predict the strength and duration of droughts caused by La NiƱa - a recurrent cooling pattern in the tropical Pacific ...

Study shows a decrease in Indian Ocean cyclones

While the threat of tropical cyclones increases around the world, a new study published in Nature Communications shows one area experienced a significant decline in cyclone activity. But, with recent changes in climatic patterns ...

NASA finds a tiny tropical storm Kiko

NASA's Terra satellite is one in a fleet of NASA satellites that provide data for research. Terra captured an image of Tropical Storm Kiko in the Eastern Pacific Ocean which showed the extent of the small storm.

NASA sees brief life of Tropical Storm Olivia

Tropical Storm Olivia was a three-day tropical cyclone in the eastern Pacific Ocean. It was born on Oct. 6 and faded to a remnant low pressure system on Oct. 9. NASA's Aqua satellite captured an image of Olivia just after ...

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