Climate change driving marine species poleward

Warming waters have driven thousands of ocean species poleward from the equator, threatening marine ecosystems and the livelihoods of people who depend on them, researchers reported Monday.

Home aquarium species a potential threat to California waters

(—Well-intentioned children and aquarium hobbyists seeking to "free" their pet fish down a toilet bowl or into a local waterway may inadvertently be contributing to the threat of invasive species downstream, according ...

Continental drift created biologically diverse coral reefs

Nowhere today is the biodiversity of corals and reef-inhabiting fish higher than in the tropical waters around Indonesia and its neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia. "To understand the reason for this diversity, you ...

Feeding the world while protecting the planet

The problem is stark: One billion people on earth don't have enough food right now. It's estimated that by 2050 there will be more than nine billion people living on the planet.

New pathways for sustainable agriculture

Hedges, flowering strips and other semi-natural habitats provide food and nesting places for insects and birds in agricultural landscapes. This also has advantages for agriculture: bees, flies, beetles and other animal groups ...

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