Decadal climate variability in the tropical Pacific

From devastating floods to raging wildfires, climate variability on a global scale is apparent. These extreme weather events, and the world's climate system as a whole, are heavily influenced by the Tropical Pacific, an expanse ...

Farmers help grow water plan

Overallocation of surface water for growing food crops is shifting agriculture and other industry to use groundwater—which is much more difficult to measure and monitor.

Restoring degraded tropical forests generates big carbon gains

More than half of the world's aboveground carbon is stored in tropical forests, the degradation of which poses a direct threat to global climate regulation. Deforestation removes aboveground carbon in the form of trees, reducing ...

Researchers show how forest loss leads to spread of disease

Viruses that jump from animals to people, like the one responsible for COVID-19, will likely become more common as people continue to transform natural habitats into agricultural land, according to a new Stanford study.

Growing nitrogen footprint threatens our air, water and climate

A new study from Columbia University finds that nitrogen emissions from agricultural production in the tropics is likely to increase and, in some cases, overtake temperate climates, exposing more people to polluted air and ...

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