Twitter analysis provides stock predictions

Economists at the Technical University of Munich have developed a website that predicts individual stock trends. To this end, economists are using automatic text analysis methods to evaluate thousands of daily Twitter microblog ...

3Qs: The current state of climate change science

Earlier this week, the public learned the details of the upcoming fifth assessment report (or, "AR5") of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an international body whose mandate is not to do new ...

Climate-related changes on the Antarctic peninsula

Scientists have long established that the Antarctic Peninsula is one of the most rapidly warming spots on Earth. Now, new research using detailed satellite data indicates that the changing climate is affecting not just the ...

Google Trends foretells stock movements, study reports

Google Trends, a tool that looks at patterns of searches on the Internet, is a potential money-spinner for investors as it provides hints of impending stock movements, a study said on Thursday.

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