Climate change forces early spring

Spring is hailed as the season of rebirth, but if it comes too early, it can threaten the plants it is meant to welcome.

Wine consumption declining in France

( -- If asked what you associate France with, you're most likely to say fashion, cheese and of course ... wine. But a new study shows that the Frenchman and Frenchwoman's love of wine may be losing its edge, as ...

WhoSay tames social networking for celebrities

Startup WhoSay has been working quietly in the background helping Hollywood stars keep control of pictures and videos at social networking sensations Twitter and Facebook.

Twitter analysis provides stock predictions

Economists at the Technical University of Munich have developed a website that predicts individual stock trends. To this end, economists are using automatic text analysis methods to evaluate thousands of daily Twitter microblog ...

Bats keep separate households

( -- The use of different resources by males and females exacerbates the estimation of population sizes. However, the monitoring of population sizes, particularly for rare and threatened species, is pivotal to ...

Northern peatlands a misunderstood player in climate change

University of Alberta researchers have determined that the influence of northern peatlands on the prehistorical record of climate change has been over estimated, but the vast northern wetlands must still be watched closely ...

UN: 2010 tied for warmest year on record

(AP) -- Last year tied with 1998 and 2005 for the warmest year on record, providing further evidence that the planet is slowly heating up, the U.N. weather agency said Thursday.

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