Related topics: species · climate change · trees

Number of spider species creeps up to 50,000

There are now 50,000 known different species of spider crawling the Earth, the World Spider Catalog announced Wednesday—and there might be another 50,000 out there.

What bird beaks say about tropical biodiversity

Areas of the globe where fruit-eating birds have wider beaks also have larger palm fruits, a new study shows. This sounds banal, but it provides new insights into tropical biodiversity and clues for solving species conservation, ...

Tropical trees use social distancing to maintain biodiversity

Tropical forests often harbor hundreds of species of trees in a square mile, but scientists often struggle to understand how such a diversity of species can coexist. In a study published in Science, researchers at The University ...

Scientists find 56 new species in Papua New Guinea

Jumping spiders, a tiny chirping frog and an elegant striped gecko are among 56 species believed new to science discovered during a Conservation International (CI) Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) expedition to Papua New Guinea's ...

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