Study sheds light on life cycle of tree roots

Fallen tree leaves on the forest floor are called leaf litter. Although scientists can examine leaf litter on the surface of soil by collecting it using litter traps, studying what is happening underground is much more difficult. ...

Researchers study how urban trees affect environment

Everyone knows that trees provide shade. What may be less obvious are their contributions to evaporative cooling. Think of tree roots drawing water from the ground and pumping it to their leaves, which effectively sweat H2O, ...

Forest trees also take up nanoplastics

Plastic is a petroleum product that is extremely slow to decompose. According to the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union, a plastic bag takes 10 to 20 years, a plastic straw 200 years and a plastic bottle 450 ...

The secret of mycorrhizal fungi

Fungi, specifically those that are "mycorrhizal," are natural allies of the forest because they improve tree nutrient acquisition. But which of the mycorrhizal feeding strategies yields the greatest tree diversity in a forest: ...

Birch trees remove microplastics from the soil

With the help of trees, microplastic-polluted soils could be remediated. For the first time, researchers at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) have shown that birch trees absorb microplastics ...

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