Clearing the course for glycans in development of flu drugs

There is no hole-in-one drug treatment when it comes to the flu, but that doesn't stop scientists from trying to sink one. Especially since as many as one in five Americans gets the flu. The reported estimated cost of this ...

Better wastewater treatment? It's a wrap

A shield of graphene helps particles destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria and free-floating antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater treatment plants.

Bacteria breakthrough could lead to new biomaterials

Physicists at the Australian National University (ANU) have found a way to manipulate the growth of bacterial biofilms—one of the most abundant forms of life on earth.

Computer model identifies drug-resistant mutations

To counter drug resistance, scientists engineer new drugs to "fit" new mutations and thus kill the cancer cell or pathogen. Now, an NIBIB-funded team of Penn State engineers has a new approach for predicting which mutation ...

Bangladesh's waters reeking with drugs, chemicals

High levels of antibiotic residues, other medicines and chemicals present in Bangladesh's ponds, canals, lakes, rivers and other surface waters are contributing to a spike in antibiotic resistance in the country, says a new ...

New nano strategy fights superbugs

It's not enough to take antibiotic-resistant bacteria out of wastewater to eliminate the risks they pose to society. The bits they leave behind have to be destroyed as well.

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