Space diversity: Europe's space agency gets 1st parastronaut

The European Space Agency made history Wednesday by selecting an amputee who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident to be among its newest batch of astronauts—a leap toward its pioneering ambition to send someone with a ...

Global timekeepers vote to scrap leap second by 2035

Scientists and government representatives meeting at a conference in France voted on Friday to scrap leap seconds by 2035, the organization responsible for global timekeeping said.

How Gen Z are using the past to feel positive about the future

Gen Z loves nostalgia. Sentimentally for things of the past is not a new phenomenon nor is it an emotion reserved for Gen Z. But it would appear, judging by the amount of coverage on the topic, that Gen Z have got it bad. ...

Bad roads reduce trade volumes by 18%

Economists from HSE University and the Vienna University of Economics and Business have figured out why, with all else being equal, trading goods across borders can be more expensive than trading the same goods within state ...

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