16 atomic ions simulate a quantum antiferromagnet

(Phys.org) —Frustration crops up throughout nature when conflicting constraints on a physical system compete with one another. The way nature resolves these conflicts often leads to exotic phases of matter that are poorly ...

Creating time crystals with a rotating ion ring

(Phys.org) —There has been a lot of talk recently about the possibility of building what has come to be known as a time crystal. In February 2012, Frank Wilczek originally proposed the idea that under certain conditions, ...

Black gold: Enabling bright, high rep-rate electron beams

Free electron lasers (FELs) have proven their worth, but next-generation light sources will have to do better than produce ultrabright x-ray pulses 100 or so times a second. What's needed is megahertz rep rate, a million ...

Into the quantum internet at the speed of light

Not only do optical fibers transmit information every day around the world at the speed of light, but they can also be harnessed for the transport of quantum information. In the current issue of Nature Photonics, a research ...

Curiosity killed the ape

Recent research has brought to light the illegal practice of using mantraps to catch chimps in Uganda.

New antimatter method to provide 'a major experimental advantage'

(Phys.org)—Researchers have proposed a method for cooling trapped antihydrogen which they believe could provide 'a major experimental advantage' and help to map the mysterious properties of antimatter that have to date ...

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