Researchers reveal jamming in cellular motor protein traffic

To keep a cell alive, molecular motor proteins constantly transport building blocks and waste across the cell, along its biopolymer network. Because of the high density of these proteins, jamming effects are believed to affect ...

Cellular transport routes

Unlike many other organisms, plants can't simply run away from environmental conditions that change for the worse. Nonetheless, plants have the ability to react to environmental effects. These reactions are initially subtle, ...

Detailed view of a molecular toxin transporter

Transport proteins in the cells of our body protect us from particular toxins. Researchers at ETH Zurich and the University of Basel have now determined the high-resolution three-dimensional structure of a major human transport ...

Tiny 'cages' could keep vaccines safe at high temperatures

Vaccines and antibodies could be transported and stored without refrigeration by capturing them in tiny silica 'cages', a discovery which could make getting vital medicines to remote or dangerous places much easier, cheaper ...

Simulation shows how transporter proteins do their work in cells

Inside every plant or animal, proteins called transporters act as cellular doorkeepers, letting nutrients and other molecules in or out as need be. Although transporter proteins are critical for normal cell function – and ...

Electrons use DNA like a wire for signaling DNA replication

In the early 1990s, Jacqueline Barton, the John G. Kirkwood and Arthur A. Noyes Professor of Chemistry at Caltech, discovered an unexpected property of DNA—that it can act like an electrical wire to transfer electrons quickly ...

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