Mixed signals on cellphone bans

It's legal in 41 states for drivers to use hand-held cell phones, and a leading highway safety organization recommends keeping it that way for now.

iPads fuel flight of paperless planes

Tablet computers such as the iPad are revolutionizing aircraft cockpits as tens of thousands of private pilots bring the powerful mini-computers into planes. Several of the nation's largest airlines are poised to follow ...

Airport security is a tech-firm gold rush

For airline passengers, the attempted Christmas Day attack and a directive by President Obama to pursue advanced screening technology will certainly mean added security procedures at airports.

Software takes a hard look at traffic fatalities

Bergen County Police and a Hackensack, N.J., drug treatment center are among a growing number of agencies using a software program to identify dangerous intersections, spot teen driving trends and reduce accident fatalities.

Lawmakers seek ban on laptops in airliner cockpits

(AP) -- Lawmakers are moving to ban the use of computer laptops and other personal electronic devices in airline cockpits to prevent another incident like the Northwest Airlines plane that overshot Minneapolis by 150 miles.

NTSB restricts employee cell-phone use

(AP) -- The federal safety agency that investigates transportation accidents is banning texting and talking on cell phones by its employees while driving on government business.

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