US urges safety technologies be made standard (Update 2)

The U.S. government should require automakers to make the latest collision prevention technologies standard equipment on all new cars and trucks, a move that could reduce fatal highway accidents by more than half, federal ...

'Connected' cars would aim to keep drivers in the loop

While Google's self-driving car is getting heaps of attention, a lesser-known effort that would employ cutting-edge technologies to make regular automobiles safer is fast gaining traction.

US, university test cars that can communicate

In a few weeks, about 2,800 cars, trucks and buses will start talking to each other on the streets of Ann Arbor, Michigan, in a giant experiment that government officials are hoping will lead to safer roads.

Road phones safer than ever

New self-lighting and self monitoring telephones on road highways and other key locations can reduce the need for maintenance significantly and, more importantly, save lives.

Would cellphone ban dial back 'distracted driving'?

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) — an independent federal agency responsible for investigating transportation accidents and promoting transportation safety — called for a complete end to cellphone ...

Research shows hands-free phones just as risky

(AP) -- Like it or not, when someone is talking to you, your brain is listening, processing and thinking about what's being said - even when you're in the driver's seat trying to concentrate on traffic.

Full ban on driver calls could be tough to enforce

(AP) -- A driver in the next lane is moving his lips. Is he on a hands-free cell phone or just talking to himself? If lawmakers follow the advice of a federal board, police officers will have to start figuring that out.

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