Report presents best policy options to reduce petroleum use

It will take more than tougher fuel economy standards for U.S. transportation to significantly cut its oil use over the next half century. It will likely require a combination of measures that foster consumer and supplier ...

Nepal must scrap aging diesel buses and trucks

The rapidly deteriorating air quality in Nepal demands an overhaul of its over a quarter million diesel-powered buses and trucks as well as a drastic revision of the country's vehicles mass emission standards, says a new ...

Germany hits climate target thanks to pandemic

Germany said Tuesday it had met its national climate goal for 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic helped to drive the biggest reduction in emissions for three decades in Europe's biggest economy.

Report says not too late to avoid a 3 C warmer world

Australian scientists are urging the Government to accelerate Australia's transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions over the next two decades to ensure the country is cushioned from the worst impacts of climate change.

Achieving climate goals will require transformational changes

The third and final installment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC's) Sixth Assessment Report calls for aggressive and comprehensive actions if we are to achieve net zero emissions by mid-century. It ...

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