China's hunger for soya more animal than vegetable

China is the biggest soya consumer in the world, but demand driven by the increasingly wealthy country's voracious appetite for meat and fish raised on the product, rather than tofu or soy sauce.

Harnessing innovation for smart transport networks

Challenging times are ahead for Europe's transport network, with traffic expected to double by 2030. This increase is expected to have a knock-on effect on safety and the environment.

Drive toward a viable 'City of the Future'

Cities consume energy and raw materials, produce waste and pollutants, and overload their transportation systems. Fraunhofer researchers have now combined forces in the innovation network German for "Morgenstadt" (or "City ...

Computer scientist drives for comprehensive traffic model

Traffic and transit information from smart phones, online maps, or radio and TV is not as timely or accurate as it could be, given all the untapped data that could provide a truly dynamic regional traffic picture.

Alstom says China needs to 'master' rail technology

Alstom, the French engineering group falsely blamed for a metro accident in Shanghai, said Friday that China needed to "absorb and master" the new railway technology it has acquired in recent years.

Overly easy to steal cargo from transport networks

Each year, billions of euros worth of goods are being stolen from European transport networks. A discouraged transport and logistics sector has more or less chosen to tolerate the problem. But there are solutions, according ...

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