Big Data enables better urban transport networks

The SIADE SaaS (Spatial Decision Support System for Transportation Planning) project essentially marks a change in the positioning of Spanish SME Terrain Technologies. From a consultancy service built around an algorithm ...

Preparing for extreme weather

From high winds and heavy rainfall to droughts and plummeting temperatures, people in Europe have already begun to feel the effects of extreme weather. As we get used to this new reality, scientists are investigating how ...

Siemens to build new London Underground trains

German manufacturing conglomerate Siemens will build almost 100 new trains to replace the decades-old rolling stock on London Underground's Piccadilly Line, the group said in a statement Tuesday.

A model for optimising the use of local trains

The University of Seville has participated in a project dedicated to optimising both planning and transport systems. David Canca (University of Seville) and Eva Barrena (University Pablo de Olavide) led the study in which ...

Smart data analysis for transport in Stuttgart

The overburdening of city transport systems is becoming an increasing challenge. But before cities can take concrete action, they need to gather precise traffic data. This is often very time consuming and expensive. A study ...

Tracking freight flows

A new freight database developed with assistance from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory will help transportation officials improve highways, railroads and other trade routes across the country. With ...

Perth commuters face cyber threat via free wi-fi

In light of the proposal to introduce free wi-fi throughout Perth's public transport network be aware that there are increased cyber security risks, warns ECU computer security expert Professor Andrew Woodward.

Enhancing the efficiency of complex computations

Planning a trip from Berlin to Hamburg, simulating air flows around a new passenger airplane, or friendships on Facebook – many computer applications model relationships between objects by graphs (networks) in the sense ...

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