Related topics: patients

Researchers improve fitness of cells used in cell transplants

A readily available, inexpensive, small molecule drug can improve the fitness of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) that are modified outside the body, potentially improving the success of procedures such as ...

How highly resistant strains of fungi emerge

An international research team has deciphered the mechanism by which the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is resistant to fungus-specific drugs. It is a yeast-like fungus that can infect humans. Specific drugs, named antifungals, ...

Research team develops new CRISPR diagnostic test

The simplicity of urine sampling has been combined with the excellent sensing abilities of CRISPR to improve diagnostic testing for kidney transplant patients, an international research team reports in the journal Nature ...

Fungus uses copper detoxification as crafty defense mechanism

( —A potentially lethal fungal infection appears to gain virulence by being able to anticipate and disarm a hostile immune attack in the lungs, according to findings by researchers at Duke Medicine.

Researchers create a 'living kidney membrane'

Researchers at the MIRA research institute of the University of Twente and the Radboudumc have created a 'living membrane' combining kidney epithelial cells with a polymeric artificial membrane. This achievement is a first ...

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