Researchers pinpoint neural nanoblockers in carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes hold many exciting possibilities, some of them in the realm of the human nervous system. Recent research has shown that carbon nanotubes may help regrow nerve tissue or ferry drugs used to repair damaged ...

Monarch butterflies with a heavy load

( -- Scientists have succeeded for the first time in fitting monarch butterflies with a radio transmitter and in tracking them from an aircraft over a long distance on their flight northwards during the butterflies’ ...

Burmese pythons slithering their way north?

(AP) -- One by one, seven slithering Burmese pythons were dumped into a snake pit surrounded by 400 feet of reinforced fence at the Savannah River Ecology Lab in South Carolina.

Intruder alert: 'Smart Dew' will find you!

A remarkable new invention from Tel Aviv University — a network of tiny sensors as small as dewdrops called "Smart Dew" — will foil even the most determined intruder. Scattered outdoors on rocks, fence posts and doorways, ...

Wireless at WARP speed

Nothing kills innovation like having to reinvent the wheel. Imagine how dull your diet would be if you had to build a new stove and hammer out a few cooking pots every time you wanted to test a new recipe. Until just a couple ...

Big, old mice spread hantavirus

University of Utah researchers dusted wild deer mice with fluorescent pink, blue, green, yellow and orange talcum powders to show which rodents most often fought or mated with others and thus were most likely to spread deadly ...

Where do rehabbed turtles go?

When a wild turtle recovers from an accident and is released back into the wild, what happens next? A new study from North Carolina State University reveals that finding those answers can often be just as challenging as saving ...

Scientists track the epic flight of fledged albatross

Scientists are tracking a group of young black-browed albatross, who have begun their first epic journeys across the Southern Ocean. In April 2023, 26 young black-browed albatross on Bird Island in South Georgia were fitted ...

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