Researchers help track mysterious, endangered 'little devil'

Clemson University's South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit joined with Grupo Jaragua and the American Bird Conservancy to lead the first-ever effort to track via satellite the black-capped petrel, an ...

Where do rehabbed turtles go?

When a wild turtle recovers from an accident and is released back into the wild, what happens next? A new study from North Carolina State University reveals that finding those answers can often be just as challenging as saving ...

Barramundi seek safe refuge after rains

Research to understand the movements of fish in Top End waterways has found that barramundi exhibit very accurate homing behavior, traveling up to 80 km to their "home" billabongs after wet season rains.

Scientists track the epic flight of fledged albatross

Scientists are tracking a group of young black-browed albatross, who have begun their first epic journeys across the Southern Ocean. In April 2023, 26 young black-browed albatross on Bird Island in South Georgia were fitted ...

Auburn's EcoDogs sniffing out endangered species

( -- These dogs seek out animals in the woods, but they aren't your typical hunting dogs. They have been trained to find endangered species so Auburn University researchers can document the location and number ...

Testing time for Proba-V, ESA's global vegetation tracker

(—ESA's Proba-V microsatellite is now assembled and midway through testing to ensure it is fully spaceworthy. The miniature Earth-observer, designed to chart global vegetation every two days, will be launched in ...

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