Virtual driving instructor and close-to-reality driving simulator

Chinese driving schools are currently experiencing a strong demand, the number of learner drivers is growing constantly. A new type of driving simulator based on a car modified for virtual training of learner drivers in advance ...

New technology could cut MRI scan times

Patients who have to undergo a magnetic resonance imaging scan may be spared the ordeal of having to lie still in the scanner for up to 45 minutes, thanks to new technology patented by Rice University, also known as "compressed ...

Benefits of university seed cap programs

When universities engage in technology transfer, the process of commercializing the innovations and inventions of academic faculty members, "seed capital" to fund start-up companies often comes from entrepreneurs and venture ...

NASA technology used to find stone age structures

Oklahoma's Beaver River is an incredibly historic place. Anthropologists estimate that as early as 10,500 years ago, human beings hunted bison in the region. Being without horses, the hunter-gatherers would funnel herds into ...

Bomb techs strengthen their hand with Sandia's XTK software

In the chaos that followed the terrorist attack at the 2013 Boston Marathon, bomb squads scanned packages at the scene for explosive devices. Two homemade pressure cooker bombs had killed three people and injured more than ...

'Honeycomb' of nanotubes could boost genetic engineering

Researchers have developed a new and highly efficient method for gene transfer. The technique, which involves culturing and transfecting cells with genetic material on an array of carbon nanotubes, appears to overcome the ...

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