Foodie calls: Dating for a free meal (rather than a relationship)

When it comes to getting a date, there's any number of ways people can present themselves and their interests. One of the newer phenomena is a "foodie call" where a person sets up a date with someone they are not romantically ...

Heritable behavioral differences between cat breeds

Cat breeds differ from each other in behavior with regard to activity, aggressiveness, shyness, sociability and stereotypical behavior. A study conducted at the University of Helsinki discovered that behavioral traits are ...

Have you got the right personality for Facebook?

How do personality traits affect one's use of the online social networking site, Facebook? That is the question researchers from Greece hope to answer in a paper in the International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. ...

Be wary of robot emotions; 'simulated love is never love'

When a robot "dies," does it make you sad? For lots of people, the answer is "yes"—and that tells us something important, and potentially worrisome, about our emotional responses to the social machines that are starting ...

Features that make lizards sexy are resilient to stress

Physical traits and behaviors that make a lizard sexy—features used to attract potential mates and fend off competitors—may be important enough that they do not change in the face of stress. A new study by researchers ...

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