Study on plant roots challenges nature of ecological trade-offs

The specific traits of a plant's roots determine the climatic conditions under which a particular plant prevails. A new study led by the University of Wyoming sheds light on this relationship—and challenges the nature of ...

What are we breeding for, and who decides?

In an article appearing in the Journal of Dairy Science, scientists from the United States Department of Agriculture and the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding provide an insightful review of how US dairy industry breeding ...

Firms recruit 'dark' personalities for earnings management

Companies could be hiring that bad boss on purpose. According to new research in the Journal of Business Ethics, the 'dark' personality traits—questionable ethical standards, narcissistic tendencies—that make a boss bad ...

Ancestry estimation perpetuates racism, white supremacy

Ancestry estimation—a method used by forensic anthropologists to determine ancestral origin by analyzing bone structures—is rooted in "race science" and perpetuates white supremacy, according to a new paper by a forensic ...

Fishing selects small, shy fish for survival

Fishing primarily removes larger and more active fish from populations. It thus acts as a selection factor that favors shy fish, as a recent study by the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) ...

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