Related topics: poachers · rhinos

The problem and potential solution of combining drugs

Drugs are combined in endless ways—chemotherapy and anti-nausea pills; Advil and multivitamins; blood pressure medication and anti-depressants. Include treatments such as the herbs and acupuncture of traditional Chinese ...

'Watershed' discovery reveals plants' medicinal secrets

Metabolons, near-mythical clusters of enzymes, have been discovered for the first time. Using fluorescent tags and microscopy—molecular movie technology - scientists have confirmed their existence, thus unlocking plants' ...

Scientists decode the genome of Chinese licorice

In research published in The Plant Journal, a group of scientists led by researchers from the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science in Japan have decoded the genome of Glycyrrhiza uralensis, or Chinese licorice, a ...

Indonesian police seize tiger skin, deer genitals

Three Indonesian men have been arrested for allegedly trading in protected species, with police seizing animal parts including a tiger skin, deer genitalia and pangolin scales, an official said Monday.

New ban on pangolin trade may help most trafficked mammal

Because of its distinctive coat of hard shells, the pangolin, or scaly anteater, has been called the world's most heavily trafficked mammal. More than 1 million have been poached in the past decade, threatening the creature ...

Indonesia seizes hundreds of frozen pangolins

Indonesian authorities have seized more than 650 critically endangered pangolins found hidden in freezers and arrested a man for allegedly breaking wildlife protection laws, police said on Friday.

Rare endangered primate spotted in Vietnam

A new group of critically endangered primates has been spotted in Vietnam, raising hopes the rare creatures may not be wiped out in the next decade as scientists had feared.

Birth of rare Sumatran rhino hailed as major boost

The rare birth of a Sumatran rhino in Indonesia has been hailed a victory for the critically endangered species, which has been almost wiped out in the wild by poaching and habitat destruction.

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